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Funded Ph.D. Positions (Fall 2026) - Currently accepting applications

We offer exciting opportunities of funded Ph.D. position(s) in the area of Machine Learning for Metals Additive Manufacturing.  The successful candidate will participate in a cutting-edge research and relevant publications.  Upon completion of the program, a Ph.D. degree will be awarded jointly by SDSU and UC San Diego.  Interested candidates should send a CV to Prof. Kang.


Required Qualifications:

  • B.S. and M.S. in mechanical, electrical, computer, or materials engineering
  • GPA: 3.0 for B.S. and 3.5 for M.S.
  • TOEFL 80  or IELTS 6.5 for applicants who did not earn a degree from an English-speaking university
  • Excellent communication and writing skills
  • GRE is not required but recommended

Please find the details about the program from the following links:



Funded Graduate Positions (Summer 2025) - Currently accepting applications

We have two graduate assistant positions with financial support, which require intermediate C++ (Visual C++) or Python programming skills. The successful candidates will participate in cutting-edge research.  Interested candidates should send a CV to Prof. Kang.



Funded Undergraduate Positions (Summer 2025) - Currently accepting applications

We have two unergraduate assistant positions with financial support. The successful candidates will participate in cutting-edge research. Interested candidates should send a CV to Prof. Kang.



Graduate Research (Thesis or Project) Position - Several positions are avilable

We are looking for highly motivated and qualified M.S. (thesis or project) students for the research projects in the areas of 3D printing, machine vision, machine learning, optical metrology, additive manfuacturing, and biomaterials characterization.  Financial supports for highly qualified students are available.  Interested candidates should send a CV to Prof. Kang



Undergraduate Research Position - Several positions are avilable

We are looking for highly motivated undergraduate students who are interested in mechatronics, robotics, control, machine learning, computer programming, and/or other related fields.  Interested candidates should send a CV to Prof. Kang.